Weighton Waytes Excel in Joint Concert

Members of the Weighton Waytes Choir are constantly surprised at the depth and scope of talent found amongst it’s number. One of our number – The Reverend Doctor Francis Loftus recently announced that he was a member of York Light Orchestra and that they would like The Waytes to take part in a joint concert […]

Surprise Celebration a great Success!

To celebrate 20 years of the Weighton Waytes Choir, several members organised a surprise celebration for choir leader, Carole Readman which was an outstanding success. For those in the know, the “Shhh” event was stealthily arranged for Saturday 14th January 2023 in the Church Community Centre, South Cave where a celebration meal had been prepared. […]

Find the Weighton Waytes on Facebook

Video recordings of some of the concerts performed during the Choir’s 2019 Holy Island Pilgrimage can be found on Facebook by searching for “WeightonWaytes” which will bring up the various clips which are labelled as WW.BP1; WW.BP2; WW.NRM1 and WW.NRM2. Alternatively, copy the following into your browser:   https://www.facebook.com/weightonwaytes/